07.04.2023 | Haggai 2

+ Friday: Haggai 2 +
Reading link: http://bit.ly/40BqcEd
Audio link: http://bit.ly/3U6bZg3 

If the goal of the building is to encounter with God through the covenant, and to enjoy His dwelling among them; In the midst of the work, He says to them: “’According to the words that I covenanted with you when you came out of Egypt, so My spirit remains among you; Do not fear’” (5). It is as though He says to them: ‘Do not fear; I will enter into a covenant with you, and My Spirit will dwell in your midst, as long as you work.
+ Fr Tadros Malaty

Personal Question
How often am I giving priority to my prayer or my service over my study or my work?