06.04.2023 | Haggai 1

+ Thursday: Haggai 1 +
Reading link: http://bit.ly/3nEATr6
Audio link: http://bit.ly/3UhU46t 

The secret of God’s sadness on those people, is that they set excuses to justify their reluctance to work. They claimed that the outer oppositions are divine signs that “The time that the Lord’s house should be built has not come”. They might as well, justified it that they should first care for building their own houses, to settle down with their families, then work to the account of the house of the Lord with comfortable hearts. They did not realize that it is befitting of them to have God first in their life, according to His own words: “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you” (Matthew 6: 33).
+ Fr Tadros Malaty 

Personal Question
Before I do anything in life, am I putting God first? For example, before I study do I pray?