15.04.2023 | Joyous Saturday

+ Saturday: Matthew 28 +
(Gospel of the Holy Liturgy of Joyous Saturday)
Reading link: http://bit.ly/3ZOmyWh
Audio link: https://bit.ly/3MsPksw 

An earthquake shook the ground, and the angel of the Lord descended to roll away the stone from the door for us, and he sat on it. Similarly, the resurrection happened in our inward life. Our old self was demolished, and it offered us by means of the baptismal waters, the resurrected life, or the new man in God’s image. By means of the resurrection the heavenly hosts descended to us to roll away the stone that has locked the door of our graves. Then we meet them in love partnership and brother hood through Christ Jesus the living of the risen from the dead. Just as when he yielded up his spirit the earth shook, so as to declare that he who died is the one to rise.
+ Bishop Paul El Boshy

Personal Question
Over this week have I truly understood God’s sacrifice for me? Have I made a commitment to bury my sin so I may be resurrected as new to be one with Christ?