St Mark’s Church News

Dear All,

Please note the following announcements and reminders:

1. Weekly Spiritual MessageSpiritual message of the week by Father Jonathan:

Two weeks ago one of our beloved youth came for confession. After I prayed the absolution, I apologised that I prayed it in Arabic and that I should have prayed it in English. He replied “please Abouna always pray it in Arabic so it gives me a chance to pray, instead of concentrating on the words, so that I can beg the Lord to accept my repentance.”

Lord, please keep our youth flourishing in faith and holiness, for generations.

Lord teach all of us, firstly myself, to be serious about our spiritual lives and to take the sacrament of confession seriously.  Lord I’m afraid that in the last day there will be youth like this one standing and judging my spiritual reluctance.  Yet I rely on Your mercy

2. St Shenouda Monastery Visit – Saturday 12 August

Church buses will leave at 7am. Please purchase tickets from the bookshop. The proceeds will be donated to the monastery.