6/3/2023 | John 7:25-53

+ Monday: John 7:25-53 +

Reading link: http://bit.ly/3Z7TFF1
Audio link: https://bit.ly/3ED7fYL (start at 3:03)

Contemplation [verses 37-39]
The reward of faith is great and endless. The believer says that he enjoys the richest blessings of God. For, he will be filled with the gifts of the Spirit that will not only enrich his mind, but will also be able to overflow in the hearts of others like a running river that abounds with bliss granted by God to his neighbour also.
+ Saint Cyril the Great

Personal Question
In what ways do I see the blessings of faith in my life? My faith, my parents’, my friends’, my servants’, my Abouna’s.