20.05.2023 | Psalm 41

+ Saturday: Psalm 41
Reading link: https://bit.ly/42RuSGT
Audio link: https://bit.ly/3O76YTy 

[verses 1-2] Our care for the poor, the needy, the humiliated, and the prisoners, with the spirit of true love, and the wisdom of spirit; would prepare our soul for the work of the free grace inside us. For, loving God in our suffering brethren, He will listen to the hidden sighs of our hearts, and will defend us against every sin. Our love for others, and our compassion on them, is nothing but love for ourselves, and an enjoyment of God’s love and compassion in our depths.
+ St John Chrysostom 

Personal Question
How can I provide help to those who are not as fortunate as I am?