13.05.2023 | Psalm 23

+ Saturday: Psalm 23
Reading link: https://bit.ly/3VLbmcD
Audio link: https://bit.ly/3LzXVHK 

God is not ashamed to call Himself a shepherd. The Lord humbles Himself to guide us. He does not guide from afar, He does not ride a horse while we sheep walk on the dirt. He walks through what we walk through and steps in what we step in. He is willing to walk with us for many kilometres to lead us directly to food, water and shelter. He is the Good Shepherd, He is willing to die for His sheep! He will never flee, not even for a wolf. He will lay His life down for us sheep and all He wants from us in return is to follow Him
+ Anonymous

Personal Question
Am I feeling God’s guiding hand in my life? If not, why? Talk to your father of confession about this.