Dear All,
Please note the following 10 announcements and reminders:
1.Weekly Spiritual Message
Spiritual message of the week by Father David:
At the start of this week we officially said goodbye to “preparation week” and now have almost completed the 2nd week of lent. It is overdue for those of us who have not yet done so, to start taking Lent seriously otherwise we may quickly miss our chance.
Let us choose a virtue to focus on this lent. Eg. Obedience – when St. Anthony heard the call “Go sell what you have and give to the poor” he immediately obeyed and this changed his life to becoming the father of all monks. This all began with a powerful question, “How do I inherit eternal life?” (Matt19:16)
Imagine if we ask ourselves this question every day. How will it influence your decisions? would you interact differently with others if your focus was always on heaven?
This lent let us think of this powerful question daily “What can I do to have eternal life?” And then to be obedient to the response.
In St Anthony’s and the rich young ruler’s case, the reply was something very radical…in your case, it may be something radical too…maybe not selling everything you have, but possibly the answer to that question for you is to forgive someone even though you are ‘right’ and they are ‘wrong’. It could be reconciling with a brother or loved one who you haven’t spoken to in a long time. It could be an impure habit or relationship that is not leading you to God. It could be greater discipline in your spiritual canon or spiritual fast.
Imagine how your life would be different if you were always obedient to the answer to the question “What shall I do to have eternal life?” Regardless of how radical that answer may be.
The continuation of that verse is the Godly promise for those who are obedient, “you will have treasures in heaven and come follow me.”
And for those thinking they would love to be obedient to this command but it’s simply too difficult or too hard…to those people our Merciful Lord replies “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible. ”
Have a blessed and Holy Lent (only 44 more days to go…make each one count starting from today!)
2. Liturgies during Lent
Weekdays: 5-7am and 8:30 – 10am
Wednesday and Fridays: Extra late mass 1 – 2:30pm
A blessed lent to all.