St Mark’s Church News


Dear All,

Please note the following 9 announcements and reminders:

1. Weekly Spiritual MessageSpiritual message of the week by Father David:

Pope Shenouda III on St Mary’s Fast: “This fast is near to the hearts of the people and it is practiced with strict asceticism. Copts all over the world and even some of our non Christian brothers & sisters care for the fast of the Virgin in a manner beyond description.

The fast of the Virgin is an occasion for spiritual revival within the Church. The Church prepares a spiritual program that includes daily sermons, praises and liturgies for St Mary.

There are many who fast St Mary’s fast with water and salt or oil. Many add a third week to the fast, as a kind of a vow. There are also those who vow to fast this fast without eating or drinking until the appearance of the stars in heaven (i.e. sunset).”

St Mary you are so loved, and are higher than all the heavenly saints and angels. Let us not miss this opportunity to benefit from developing a relationship with St Mary our Mother and Queen of heaven, during her beautiful fast. Blessed St Mary’s Fast to you all.

2. St Shenouda Monastery Visit – This Saturday 12 August

Church buses will leave at 7am.