Spiritual Message of the Day 13/2

Spiritual message of the week by Father Mark:


There is a fable of three trees that grew in the days of Christ.
o One said, “When I grow to be a big tree I will be cut down and made into
lumber. That lumber will be used to build a big hotel where kings will lodge.”
o The second tree said, “When I grow up I want to be cut down and made into
lumber to build a big ship that will cross the ocean.”
o The third tree said, “When I grow up I want to remain in the forest and point
men to God.”
• None of the three trees got its wish.
o The first tree grew up and was cut down, but the lumber was used to build a
little manger. The tree complained and complained, until one night the Son of
God and the Son of Man was born there. Then it was at peace.
o The second tree was cut down and made into lumber to build a boat to sail on
the Sea of Galilee. It complained and complained, until one day the Son of
God and the Son of Man stood on its deck and spoke wonderful words of life.
Then it was at peace.
o The third tree was cut down and made into a cross. The tree complained and
complained, until one day the Son of God and the Son of Man died upon that
cross. Then it, too, was at peace.

The Son of Man is also waiting to use you as you are. Allow Him and you too will find peace.