My First Synaxarium Project

Dear All,

Please note the following announcement:

My First Synaxarium Project is underway!!

Calling all creative primary school kids to compete in our Synaxarium competition!

All you have to do is to choose your favourite saint from the list of saints below, compose their story in 125 words or less and include an illustration of the saint to be a part of our competition. Your story will also be included in the official publication of "My First Synaxarium"!

First prize is $100 voucher, 2nd prize is $50 voucher, 3rd prize is $20 voucher AND the three winners will have their version of the story (edited) included in the book. The published illustration will be based on the winning entry’s illustration, and using the facial features of the child.

Due: April 15th at 5pm
Submit to myfirstsynaxarium

With your submission, please make sure to include a passport size photo of the child competing.

Saints List:

1. Emperor Constantine

2. St Mary of Egypt

3. St George the Prince of Martyrs

4. St Mark the Apostle

5. St Athanasius the Apostolic

6. St Arsanious

7. St Pachomious the father of community 8. Abba Abraam Bishop of Fayoum 9. St Abaskhiroun 10. St Euphemia 11. St John Bishop of Jerusalem

Happy writing!