Projectors Connectivity Guide

Image result for cast to chromecast

1)    Android Devices

a)    YouTube Videos

  1. Make sure your mobile device or tablet is on the same Wi-Fi network as Chromecast.
  2. Open the YouTube app.
  3. Tap Cast   at the top of the YouTube app Home screen. 
  4. Choose the Chromecast device you want to cast to.
  5. Choose the required YouTube video.
  6. Tap Play.
  7. To stop casting, tap or click Cast then disconnect.

b)    Mirror Device

  1. Open the Google Home app.
  2. Select the bottom right icon (Account), then select “Mirror Device”, then click the “ Cast Screen/Audio” button.
  3. Select the Chromecast device you want to cast to from the list.


2)    iPhones and iPads

a)    YouTube Videos

  1. Make sure your iPhone or iPad is on the same Wi-Fi network as Chromecast.
  2. Open the YouTube app.
  3. Tap Cast at the top of the YouTube app Home screen. 
  4. Choose the Chromecast device you want to cast to.
  5. Choose the required YouTube video.
  6. Tap Play.
  7. To stop casting, tap or click Cast then disconnect.


b)    Images & Videos

  1. Make sure “Google Photos” app is installed and that videos are synced with Google Photos.
  2. Open Google Photos app, click the icon, then choose the Chromecast device you want to cast to.
  3. Select the photo or video to display, and swipe to move to other photos/videos.


c)     Screen Mirror (not very stable)

  1. Download “TV Mirror for Chromecast” app.
  2. Follow the app instructions to mirror the iPhone/iPad screen.

3)    Computers/Laptops and MacBook

a)    YouTube Videos

  1. Make sure your computer is on the same Wi-Fi network as Chromecast.
  2. Visit YouTube TV on a web browser. 
  3. Choose the required YouTube video.
  4. Click Cast in the video player.
  5. Choose the Chromecast device you want to cast to
  6. To stop casting, tap or click Cast then disconnect.


b)    Mirror Desktop

  1. On your computer, open Chrome.
  2. At the top right, click , then select “Cast…”
  3. Click “Sources” drop down list, then select “Cast desktop”
  4. Choose your Chromecast device where you want to watch the content.
  5. Select “Your entire screen” then click the “Share” button in the “Share your screen” message that will popup.
  6. When you’ve finished, to the right of the address bar, click Cast then click the same Chromecast device to stop.