22/2/2023 | John Chapter 1:29-50

+ Wednesday: John Chapter 1:29-50 +

Reading link: http://bit.ly/3YZ3TXN
Audio link: http://bit.ly/3Kntm9l (start at 3:08)

[verse 41] _The expression ‘we have found Him’ indicates someone striving in order to be with the Lord. Someone who is seeking His advent from above, rejoices for achieving the search and finding Him, and hurries away to give the joyful news to others. This is the role of brotherly love as through a natural friendship and the Lord’s planning, we are able to extend a hand to others and offer spiritual riches._
+ St John Chrysostom

Personal Question
Am I searching for God in my life? When I find Him, or answers about Him, do I spread the good news to my friends? This could be as simple as sharing a spiritual thought or a verse with my friends