06.04.2023 | Amos Chapter 8

+ Thursday: Amos Chapter 8 +
Reading link: http://bit.ly/3M4JayK
Audio link: http://bit.ly/40RpHFY 

[verse 4] When the ‘ego’ swells up, man thinks of himself as being the center of the world, all work to his account, and all perish for the sake of his happiness; Whereas about Jesus, the Lord of Glory, it is said: “For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that although He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, that you through His poverty might become rich” (2 Corinthians 8: 9). Carrying Him in us, we become rich by Him; …And as a sign of our riches, we accept to become poor together with Him, so that our brethren in Christ who dwells in us, would become rich.
+ Fr Tadros Malaty

Personal Question
Are wealth and success a consuming goal of mine? Do my pride and ego need to be checked? Is my life purpose centred around _me_, are all of my decisions centred around my wants and my desires and my happiness?