
"Present yourselves to God" 24/01/2025

"A Life from above" 17/01/25

The Word Became Flesh" By : Mina Magdy 13/12/24

"What can we learn from Nativity Icons?" By: Michael Sarkis 06/12/24

"The Treasure Of Kiahk Tasbeha" By : Usama Ghobrial 22/11/24

"How To Set Our Priorities" By: Mimi Azer 22/11/24

"Discipline and Punishment" By: Fr Mark 15/11/24

"Ephesian 4" BY: BISHOP AGHASON 01/11/24

"Soft Answer Turn Away Wrath" By: George Youssef 25/10/24

"Repairer of the breach" - Mary Khella 18/10/24

"The Eternal Life in Ancient Egypt" Dr. Ashraf Sadek 04/10/24

" Conflicts In Marriage" By: Fr. Elijah 27/09/24

"How We Love " By: Maha Kamal 20/09/24

"Nayrouz Short Talk By: Magdy Asaad" 13/09/24

"The Greatest Job" By: Romany Ishak 16/08/24