Father Yacoub is the senior priest of St. Marks Coptic Orthodox Church. He was ordained a priest in 1991 by the late Pope Shenouda III and later ordained hegumen in 2003.
Prior to his ordination he was an Engineering Professor at the University of Wollongong.
Fr. Yacoub along side his late wife Tasoni Awatef raised 5 children and thousands of spiritual children within the church. He takes great care in serving each individual holistically – spiritually, academically, socially and physically.

Fr Augustinos was ordained as a priest at St Bakhomious Coptic Orthodox Church in 1996 and was transferred to support Fr. Yacoub at St Marks in 1998 and then later ordained hegumen in 2004.
Fr. Augustinos has worked very closely with the youth of the Church engaging them through an array of spiritual and social services. In addition to this he is responsible for missionary work and interstate campus ministry.
Fr. Augustinos is also renowned for his love for cooking and often spoils his congregation with delicious meals.

Fr Jonathan was ordained as a priest of St Marks Coptic Orthodox Church in 2003 by HG. Bishop Daniel.
Prior to his ordination, he worked as a Lecturer of Statistics at UTS. Fr Jonathan looks after the elderly members of the community, often taking the church youth to visit members of the community who are in nursing homes and hospitals.
He is also in charge of enlightening the church by filling the Bookshop with spiritual publications.

1John 4:7-8
ايها الأحباء لنحب بعضنا بعضا..لأن المحبة هى من الله و كل من يحب فقد ولد من الله و يعرف الله..و من لا يحب لم يعرف الله لأن الله محبة
١يو ٤: ٧-٨

Fr Mark was ordained a priest of St Marks Coptic Orthodox church in 2012 by H.E. Metropolitan Bachomious.
Prior to his ordination Fr. Mark worked as a strategy consultant but was compelled by a higher calling to serve God and His Church.
Fr. Mark is passionate about serving the young Children who are the future of the Church.

Fr Michael Fanous is the most recently ordained priest of St Marks Coptic Orthodox Church being ordained in 2015 by H.G Bishop Daniel.
Fr Michael migrated to Australia at the age of 14, graduated from the university of Sydney and then married his wife tasoni Mona.
They raised two boys in the fear of God who went on to both become priests – Fr. Daniel and Fr. Paul. Fr. Michael is a source of wisdom for parents seeking advice on how to raise spiritually minded well balanced children.

Fr Elijah was ordained a priest of St Mark’s in 2016 by HG Bishop Daniel. Prior to his ordination, Fr Elijah worked as a General Practitioner, aiding those in need of help.
Fr. Elijah now mimics this in his intense focus on service to the youth of our church, striving to create a precious environment within the church for many years.

Fr David was ordained a Priest in 2016 by HG Bishop Daniel. Before his ordination, Fr. David brought smiles to many as a dentist. Now, Fr. David brings smiles to the hearts of our youth and our interstate students through his spiritual guidance.

Father Anthony was ordained as a priest in February of 2023. As a teenager, Fr Anthony grew up in Adelaide, where he grew closer to God in the Church. For many years, Fr Anthony sought out to be a soccer player, having always been an amazing player, however, upon moving to Sydney years later he became a Podiatrist. Having served the youth and many Sunday school classes over the years in St Mark's parish, Fr Anthony both took care of the patient's feet at work and washed the feet of those whom he served. Now, Fr Anthony washes the feet of the congregation of St Mark's daily through his loving service, fostering a community of love in our church always.